Maxine Mimms Academies
MMA Guidepost
Critical Conversations
In a candid conversation, Dr. Maxine Mimms shares the story of Evergreen State College's early beginnings. She describes how the school became an institution of higher learning, and how the model has been used to educate and prepare a new generation of urban youth in our society. Its mission and its students are far from traditional and its graduates have become leaders in industry throughout the world.

Critical Conversation - 052108 - 1

mtwiggs - May 23, 2008, 4:32 PM
This is the first of a series of Critical Conversations regarding the education of the children, families, and communities we serve. The wisdom shared stems from lessons learned from a lifetime of service. Listen and Learn! [LINK]
Guest - May 25, 2008, 2:15 PM
The generational social-ills such poverty, ignorance, and addiction have been debilitating our community for many years.The westernized indoctrination of individualism and capitalism has our inner city families displaced from self, consciousness, and community. As a community, how then do we come terms with our wounds and begin to heal and grow as a community? When trees grow in nature that is good as they release oxygen giving us air, if a child grows and is healthy that is good as it makes us happy parents. We need to ask ourselves, what does good growth look like. How about we start growing health instead of sickness and dependency, how about we start growing ownership instead of indigence, how about we start growing our intelligence instead of our ignorance, and lastly, how about we start growing our interdependence instead of independence. The question then becomes what do we want to grow and how do we nurture that growth in a way that is sustainable over time

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