Maxine Mimms Academies
MMA Guidepost
Critical Conversations #3: School-to-Prison Pipeline
The "School-to-Prison Pipeline" is a reflection of America's current fixation with punishing children rather than educating them. The School-to-Prison Pipeline describes the cumulative effect of various federal, state, and local policies that are leading students away from high school completion towards criminal justice involvement. Many of these policies center around the enforcement of punishment and creating a safe school environment, but the actual implementation of these policies have created greater education disparities under the guise of keeping schools safer.

A major philosophy that has contributed to the negative impact of these policies is "Zero Tolerance". Under this idea, School administrators who use Zero Tolerance - and not all of them do - use suspension or expulsion for certain behaviors after asking few to no questions about the incident.

The School-to-Prison Pipeline in Washington State

kimberley harris - Oct 11, 2008, 9:24 PM
Hi Mike, you have no idea how meeting you and Dr. Mimms has changed my life and way of not only thinking at work (Mccaver Ele.) but also at home with my own family. Since coming to "critical conversations" I have convinced my daughter to meet with Kim washington at Evergreen and she has happily enrolled in evergreen studying social services. I regret deeply that because of my work schedule I can not make each meeting, but I will come when I can even if I am late. There is not a single day that goes by that I don't speek of you guys and what you are doing . God Bless. KIM
Isaiah Harris - Oct 11, 2008, 11:00 PM
Hello, My name is Isaiah and my mom is Kim Harris and Maxine i just want to thank you for bringing tommy the clown to lincoln hes amazing and so are you God Bless Isaiah

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